Before you can figure out if you should use just in time marketing, you have to have a good understanding of what it is. Just in time marketing in a nut shell assigns the right task to the right staff at the right time. It takes the guess work out of daily marketing challenges. This is an innovative way to think about marketing that you have probably never considered.
Everyone wants to eliminate waste right? Have you ever considered this with your marketing strategy? You probably have, but, not in this way. Ever buyer is different so why waste your time and effort using the same content for every buyer? A successful company markets accordingly to the buyer persona they are trying to reach, making sure that every piece of content is important to that buyer in whatever stage of the buying process they are in. This is the exact principal around just in time marketing.
Again every buyer is different which is why your content needs to be different for every stage in the buying process. Its more then just knowing your audience’s age and gender, you need to really understand what they are interested in and what will make them take action. Just in time marketing gives you a view inside the buying behavior of your target audience, allowing you to focus on what the buyer is interested in at that point and really engage them with a relevant piece of content. This goes right along with eliminating waste. Buyers aren’t going to waste their time on content that doesn’t speak to them, so why waste your time sending it to them.
Just in time marketing is an innovative way of marketing that reduces inefficiency’s and eliminates waste. Now is the time to adopt the process and get ahead!