If you have not yet joined our book club you can do so here: Enfusen Universty Book Club
Here is the schedule for the next few months!
The dates will represent the day of our Google Hangout to discuss the books:
Feb 2nd (2/2/2015) – 1pm EST
Title: Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill (click to buy on Amazon)
March 2nd (3/2/2015) – 1pm EST
Title: 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen Covey (click to buy on Amazon)
Apr 6th (4/6/2015) – 1pm EST
Title: Start with Why, Simon Sinek (click to buy on Amazon)
May 4th (5/4/2015) – 1pm EST
Title: The Entrepreneur Roller Coaster, Darren Hardy (click to buy on Amazon)
Jun 1st (6/1/2015) – 1pm EST
Title: Three Feet from Gold, Sharon Lechter (click to buy on Amazon)
Below is the complete list of recommended titles from everyone participating in the group in case you’re looking for some great books to read!
Title | Author | Votes |
Influence Mastery | 3 | |
Outliers | 3 | |
Rich Dad Poor Dad | 3 | |
The 4 Hour Work Week | 3 | |
Tipping Point | Malcom Gladwell | 3 |
7 Habits of Highly Effective People | 2 | |
Delivering Happiness | 2 | |
Devil in the Grove | 2 | |
EMyth Mastery | 2 | |
Give & Take | 2 | |
Good to Great | 2 | |
How to Win Friends and Influence People | 2 | |
It’s Your Ship | 2 | |
Millionaire Next Door | 2 | |
Rework | 2 | |
Start with Why | Simon Sinek | 2 |
The Effortless Experience | 2 | |
Think and grow Rich | Napolean Hill | 2 |
Are you ready to succeed? | Srikumar S. Rao | 1 |
Amaze | Shep Hyken | 1 |
Business Networking and Sex | Ivan Misner | 1 |
Click Millionaires | Scott Fox | 1 |
Crossing the Chasm | Geoffrey Moore | 1 |
Drive | Daniel Pink | 1 |
Ecomm Hell | Shirley Tan | 1 |
Epic Content Marketing | Joe Pulizzi | 1 |
First Steps to Wealth | Dani Johnson | 1 |
How to be a Great Communicator | Nido Qubein | 1 |
How to be a Great Sales Professional | Nido Qubein | 1 |
How to Get Anything you Want | Nido Qubein | 1 |
Launch | Jeff Walker | 1 |
Lead with a Story | Paul Smith | 1 |
Leaders Eat Last | Simon Sinek | 1 |
Linchpin | Seth Godin | 1 |
Living Successfully with Screwed Up People | Elizabeth Brown | 1 |
Mastery | 1 | |
Meatball Sundae | Seth Godin | 1 |
Mindset – the new psychology of success | Carol S Dweck | 1 |
Money, Master The Game Tony Robbins | 1 | |
Motivation Manifesto | 1 | |
Ownership Thinking | Brad Hams | 1 |
Permission Marketing | Seth Godin | 1 |
Poke the Box | Seth Godin | 1 |
Purple Cow | Seth Godin | 1 |
Silicon Sky | Gary Dorsey | 1 |
Small is the New Big | Seth Godin | 1 |
Smarter Than you Think | Clive Thompson | 1 |
Stairway to Success | Nido Qubein | 1 |
Status Anxiety | Alian de Botton | 1 |
Switch | Chip Heath | 1 |
Talent is Overrated | 1 | |
The alchemist | 1 | |
The Dip | Seth Godin | 1 |
The Entrepreneur Rollercoaster | Darren Hardy | 1 |
The Greatest Business Decisions of All Time | 1 | |
The Icarus Deception | Seth Godin | 1 |
The Innovator’s Dilemma | Clayton Christensen | 1 |
The Lean Startup | Eric Ries | 1 |
The Magic of Thinking Big | 1 | |
The NET Dilusion | Evgeny Morozov | 1 |
The Power of Habit | Charles Duhigg | 1 |
the science of marketing | 1 | |
The Secret | Seth Godin | 1 |
The Talent Code | 1 | |
the war of art | 1 | |
Thinking Fast and Slow | Daniel Kahneman | 1 |
Three Feet From Gold by | Greg Reid | 1 |
To Save Everything Click Here | Evgeny Morozov | 1 |
Tribes | Seth Godin | 1 |
We are all Weird | Seth Godin | 1 |
What The Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast.’ | Laura Vanderkam | 1 |
Whatcha Gonna do with that Duck | Seth Godin | 1 |
Vote Below in the Comments Section…