Part 1: What are Enterprise Inbound Marketing Funnel?
Part 2: Setting Goals for your Marketing Funnel
Part 4: 4 Types of Inbound Marketing Funnel
Part 5: Turning your Inbound Marketing Funnel into Sale
Video Transcript:
Hey everyone, this is Roger from Enfusen and today I wanna talk a little bit about Inbound Marketing. What I have on the board here is an inbound marketing funnel. This idea behind this is that how do we move a person from a stranger into a customer and then a promoter. And this is gonna be the path that we take. We want to take a stranger, we want to attract them to become a visitor. We wanna take that visitor and we wanna convert them into a lead. We wanna take that lead, we wanna close them into a customer. We wanna take that customer, we wanna delight them and turn them into promoter. Now it’s important to know how to do each of these things and what elements of your marketing automation funnel that you can use in order to accomplish these goals.
So let’s talk about some of these. So how do we get strangers to become visitors? So there are a lot of different ways. We can use SEO, we can use SEM or Search Engine Marketing such as Google Adwords, Bing marketing, Facebook marketing, Twitter marketing, LinkedIn marketing. We can use social media, more organic matter of posting on your facebook page, doing blog posting inside LinkedIn. We can do public relations or PR. We can do things such as partnerships where we find strategic alliances, with individuals that have lists might have value to our funnel and doing exchange, get access to them. We can do datamining. This is what we are really big at. Going out and procuring lists of people that we know are buyers of our product and then nurturing a relationship with them in order to get them to visit our website. So as you get them over to visit, what kind of different things are you gonna have them do in order to convert to a lead. Well you can have them read your blog and then have strategic Calls-to-Action in your blog that engage them with some type of offer that they are gonna be interested in. Some of those offers can be like a whitepaper, a casestudy, an e-book. These are the types of top of funnel items that you can give the people in exchange for their basic contact information and some qualification questions. Remember I said qualification questions because it’s important.
Now that you have got them as a lead, what you are gonna do to turn them into your customer. Well for us we are gonna to strategy session, we are gonna talk to them about what their goals are, what’s stopping them from reaching their goals and how we can assist them in reaching their goals. Or we might do an assessment, we are gonna do this a lot with their Microsoft ®clients, we are gonna go in and we are gonna spend a couple hours with them breaking down their sales and marketing teams, technologies and funnels in order to show them what they can do to improve. Now how do we delight customers and turn them into promoters? Well with our productivity software, we measure 2x increase in productivity through measuring the amount of time spent doing activities or level of accomplishment of those activities. And for marketing we measure 3 times ROI in every dollar they invest in their inbound marketing funnel. So when you can do this, you promised it in the front and you will deliver it on the back people are gonna promote you.
So let’s run through this again, we wanna take strangers and we wanna attract them to visit our website through search engine optimization, search engine marketing, social media, public relations, partnerships, data mining and really we can put email marketing down here as it is an element of many of these things. When they visit, we want them to convert into a lead. Notice that in email marketing, you might think – well I have already got their contact information. That’s great. That is not a lead. A lead is someone that has volunteered their information to you and in a manner that say – hey I am interested in your brand, your product and your mission. So to convert them into a lead, we want to direct them towards our blogs. We want to drive traffic to our blogs and they can engage us through our calls-to-action. So if you have a blog post about lead generation, you should have a calls-to-action that says – hey we can help you generate leads or we can teach you how to generate leads. A whitepaper that talks to them about the topic about your product. A case study of a client that you have worked with, they are someone in the industry and exactly how they were successful to show that you understand how to make them successful. An ebook which can be a combination of all of these different elements which can be a how-to guide, it can be a 7 tips to; things not to do.
Once they become a lead and you wanna turn them into a customer, you are gonna have to eventually get on the phone for them. We are talking about large contracts, large service based or product delivery contracts. We do that through strategy sessions with some of our products and through an assessment with other products and other partnerships.
When they become a customer, you need to delight them so that they become the promoter. Tell them exactly what you are going to do and then do it. It’s that simple to turn people from customers into promoters. For us, if they buy our productivity suite, we are going to 2x their productivity and we are gonna measure their success of that versus what they used to do from hour application standpoint. And from a marketing perspective we are gonna do an entire sales and marketing automation funnel for them, we are gonna 3x or give them the 3 times ROI of the dollars they have invested in the campaign with us. When we do that, they become promoters. They become extremely excited. This is an inbound marketing funnel. You may have seen graphics or other companies talk about this, we do this a little bit differently, what we found is this is the most successful for us to convert people into paying customers, delighted customers and then eventually promoters.
So I am Roger from Enfusen. If you have any questions about this, you can leave the comment below, we will be happy to respond to you right away. Thank you