There is a frequently overlooked, and most often not even thought of secret key to be a successful marketer. Taking pride in ownership is the mysterious key only successful marketers think of, and sets them apart from their less successful competition who have yet to realize one of the biggest secrets of marketing.
What does it mean to take pride in ownership of your client’s business? Clearly you don’t own any stake in the company, so it is easy to treat it like someone else’s company. If you take pride in it, you will not view them as a client any more. Instead you will view them as something more. You are more willing to go the extra mile. A client can truly tell if the person they hire for marketing views their business as just another company in their portfolio, or whether the marketer views them as their own company and takes pride in it.
This is especially important if your marketing firm is focused on, or does work with small businesses. In small businesses the owner takes a more active role in every aspect of his business and it is extremely important to them because their name is attached to it and they have a heavy financial investment involved. It is easy to forget that they are only focused on their company while you have to worry about all of your accounts. This is why it is vital to take pride in their company and make sure they see this pride.
Many marketers create a marketing process that they believe works for all of their clients and do not strategically audit their process to see if it is actually working correctly. An unsuccessful marketer will keep doing the same exact thing because they learned their process from a guru. A marketer who takes pride in ownership of their client’s business will step back and figure out what needs fixed to be successful. Even if the issue is not readily noticeable, you will dig deeper until you uncover the correct path to alter your strategy.
The biggest benefit of taking pride in ownership of your client’s company is that you will start to view all of your marketing efforts through your client’s eyes. This is extremely beneficial to the long term success of keeping your clients happy and retaining them for long periods of time. We all know that to have a successful marketing firm one of the key things you need is for your clients to stick with you. If your clients are happy with the effort you put in towards them and think you actually care for them they will spread the word on how good of a marketing firm you have and this will most definitely help grow your company.
By actively taking pride and acting like your client’s company is your own, you will try harder to make that client successful. At Enfusen, we actively take pride in our work and treat all of our client’s as if they were our own company. When there is an issue, we tirelessly work until the issue is resolved. If you are looking for a firm who is willing to go the extra mile and make sure you are completely satisfied with your marketing, request a consultation with one of our Small Business Specialists by applying here: Request a Consultation!