Enfusen’s Roger Bryan explains how WordPress users can optimize their onsite content using the Yoast SEO plugin.
1:04 Example Audit Results
3:10 Adding the focus keyword to content
4:25 Adding alt tags to images
5:49 Increasing keyword density
8:50 Getting the Green Light
Hi this is Roger from Enfusen, in this video I’m going to be going over a little bit about optimizing on site content for SEO. Now, we’re in the process of moving our website from the HUB Spot COS over to WordPress. That gives me a great opportunity because we haven’t gone through and optimized all of our content from the migration. Let’s start by going and let’s find a post.
Now we use the SEO Yoast tool, which really makes this a lot easier on us. Let’s, yeah, it doesn’t look like any of these have been worked on at all. Let’s pick, you know what, let’s do an SEO, let’s see if that one will come up, give me one second. SEO strategies to increase rank 2016. All right, this is an infographic with a good sized, high quality post.
Now first off there’s no focus keyword, in order to get content to rank it’s just as much about external as it is about internal work. We’ve got to figure out what our keywords going to be, so let’s go with SEO strategies, just because I see that’s already in the title. No META description has been supplied, search engines will display copy, okay. Let’s look at what our good META description is going to be. Help if I could type. Okay, so META description is what pops up in the search engines right below the title of your page, and it shows the audience what your content piece is about.
Now in SEO Yoast, or in just general SEO optimization it’s important to understand that the keyword you choose is in the title, is in the URL, it’s in the slug, it’s in your META description, and it’s going to need to be in a couple other places as well. The nice thing about SEO Yoast is it’s going to tell you exactly where you want this to be. We can just go through and keep updating these, the slug for this page is a bit long, shorten it. Six SEO strategies to increase rank. All right, so we fixed that one. Keyword density is zero percent, that’s going to be a big one which we’re going to do in a second. No alt tags, focus keyword and subheading, focus keyword in the first paragraph, okay. Let’s take care of these one at a time.
Let’s go find the first paragraph, okay. Our keyword is SEO strategies. All right, all I did was I changed this section header which should help us with one or two of those issues, let’s go down and check. All right the focus, the keyword. It took care of the section header but it still doesn’t appear in the first paragraph, so let’s go back up, let’s get into that first paragraph. I want to make sure there’s no text above this, ah, there is. Understanding the best SEO strategies. Now I’ve got to make sure this is actually contextually looks good. Understanding the best SEO strategies, the key to driving traffic to your website, generating new leads. I think that sounds good, scroll back down, see what else it’s telling me.
The image on this page is missing alt tags, so let’s go back up again. Got a lot of images on here, but let’s go with the info graphic. Edit, alternative text, SEO strategies, let me just see. SEO … interesting, to me it looks like it does have that. Let’s update.
Now SEO Yoast just had a big update, the keyword density, images, oh the images on this page are missing alt tags. Okay, so it wasn’t that we were just missing the primary ones, let’s go look through all of our images. We’ve got this, let’s look at this one, SEO keyword placement, okay, that one has one. Let’s look at this call to action, that’s not the greatest call to action. Get insights … okay. Let’s look at this one, optimization tips, not bad. New call to action, okay. It looks like all of our images do, so images on this page are missing … okay.
Keyword density is point one percent which is a bit low. Let’s go back through our content and let’s see, let’s go. I don’t want to overdo this … SEO, I don’t necessarily always want to do this in the section headers, but it just seems to flow naturally. [inaudible 00:06:23]
I can just change this up a little bit, agencies use a variety of SEO strategies such as on page and off page, okay, so I just changed this sentence. Agencies use a variety of SEO strategies such as on page and off page optimization in order to increase webpage rank for your websites. Let’s go back down, keyword density is still only at two percent, let’s do this. When you get a lot of work in you do want to update, just to save your work.
All right, now let’s go back down again, let’s check out what we’ve got going on here. All right, it’s still saying keyword density is a big problem. It’s been found five times, we want to get that up around one percent. We’re probably ten or twenty times away. Search engine optimization, it can be a complicated process. Every time you use this you have to make sure that contextually it looks right, so I’m just looking. Increase both and off page SEO … I’m just looking for places where it says … SEO companies other …
The longer the blog post, of course … understanding the best SEO strategies, search … let’s see if we’re getting any closer down there. We’re at three percent, all right. Let’s see the overall score for this, oops, sorry, this is a long post with all the scrolling.
All right, what we’re really looking for is this right here first off, we want to get this to a green light. You don’t have to drive yourself nuts trying to get every single one of these to score perfectly, you want to get to a green light. That’s SEO Yoast’s way of saying that based on best practices that your page has a great opportunity to rank, this it does. We should increase this density a little bit more, let me see if I can just get it up a tiny bit more and then we will save this and I’ll talk about something, I’ll make sure …
It’s picking up other errors that are in here, no matter what SEO strategies are … you can see how I can just change words just a tiny bit in order to get it to give me what I want. Let’s see where I’m at now, four percent. I’m actually going to leave it there, this is a great post, it’s pretty popular.
You saw a couple things that we improved, now let’s look at some of the other things. The page title contains the focus keyword, got that. You’ve never used this focus keyword before, which is great. You don’t want to be optimizing a bunch of pages on your website for the same keyword, you can use content silo’s that use synonyms in order to give your website more authority on a topic without using the same one over and over again. The focus keywords appears in three out of fifteen subheadings, focus keyword appears in the first paragraph, the page title is thirty five character minimum, sixty five maximum, focus keyword is in the URL, META description has a keyword.
There is a specified META, the SEO Yoast says three hundred words, we really say two thousand words. The copy score is good, not quite sure on this image one, can’t get everything perfect every time, and the keyword density is a little low but this is a very long post so I’m not going to sit here and watch you do this, I’m going to send this back to the editing team and I’m going to have them go through and get the keyword density up. Let’s update it one more time, and that’s really it when it comes to optimizing onsite.
Now, if you’re using WordPress I highly recommend using the SEO Yoast plugin, it makes your life a lot easier. If you’re not, there are some third party site audit tools that are a little bit harder to use, or you can just try to visually do this on your own in order to make sure that you’re getting your posts optimized the best that you can.
I’m Roger from Enfusen, this video was on, on page optimization and I get if I do that I might as well show you the page. Again, this is on our test domain so if there’s any formatting issues that’s why, we haven’t put this site live yet. Scroll back through, everything looks good, nothing that I changed really created a problem, all right. I think we’re good to go. That it is, thank you.